Only the best fruit into the world's best fillings.

Production Manager

Fruit Fillings Inc. was founded in 1981 in Fresno, California by Stephen G. Norcross, Everett E. Norcross Jr., Everett E. Norcross III, and Keith L. Siemens. Fruit Fillings Inc. is a spin-off of Robb Ross Foods, Inc., a full line bakery distributor operating in Central and Northern California.
We specialize in all phases of fruit products from the simple strawberry glaze to the most sophisticated pectin based jams. Custom formulation is also a part of our everyday production. Our staff food chemists can provide custom products for shipment to all four corners of the globe and we welcome such projects.
Giving Back To The Community
The desire to make a significant difference in people’s lives is at the heart of our Company’s giving.
The Liddy Shriver Sarcoma Initiative: liddyshriversarcomainitiative.org
Beat Sarcoma: www.beatsarcoma.org
St. Jude Hospital: www.stjude.org